Do you offer pregnancy testing?

Yes. We offer free urine-based pregnancy tests by appointment or by walk-in during our business hours.

If you suspect you are pregnant, getting a lab-quality pregnancy test in a center is an excellent place to begin the process of determining what your options are.

Whether you’re not sure what to do or you feel relatively sure, starting with a test will help you know whether there is a viable pregnancy occurring. Before you begin worrying or jump to conclusions, talk with your counselor, get all the facts, and come up with a plan. You have options!

For some the thought of abortion is strong and feels like the only way to go. Our peer counselors are trained to answer questions about abortion procedures, the possible risks and side effects involved, your rights, and the steps you want to take before making an appointment for an abortion.

We are here to help you! Contact us today for an appointment or simply walk in.

Do you provide ultrasounds here?

When you have a positive pregnancy test at Sandstone Options for Women, our staff can schedule a free ultrasound appointment for you to determine the age and viability of your pregnancy. If you’re considering abortion, you’ll need to know this information to learn about what abortion procedures are available to you at this point in your pregnancy.

Do you offer abortions?

TLC Options for Women is a group of pregnancy resource centers that takes a life-affirming stance with regards to abortion and contraception. This means that this Center does not offer abortion services or abortion referrals. Any information about abortion is intended for general educational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical advice.

Can I get the morning after pill here?

No. Serious as well as minor side effects have been reported with the use of the morning after pill.

What you should know.

Come in for a pregnancy test or a quick consultation and we can help you with your options.

Can I be tested for STIs/STDs here?

Sandstone Options offers women free testing and treatment for the two most common STIs: Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Call 320-216-7633 or stop by to schedule an appointment today. If your test result is positive, Sandstone Options can offer you oral antibiotics to treat the infection.

Is information shared confidential?

Yes, All information shared by you during your relationship as a client with the Center and its representatives will be kept in the strictest confidence except as required by law or as required for the protection of you or others.

Do you hand out the pill or condoms?

No. TLC Options for Women Centers are life-affirming and do not provide or promote artificial birth control.

We do help educate our clients with Natural Family Planning which is a 100% natural and very effective method of controlling the size of families.

What you should know about contraception.

Can I get diapers and formula?

Yes. Diapers and formula are available once a month.

Do you offer rental assistance?

If you are pregnant or have a baby under 3 months, come in and discuss your situation with our staff. We can help you apply for state or local aid and have other resources available.

Do you take donations and what do you take?

Yes. We rely on donations of material items from outside sources. You can donate easily through our website here.